As I mentioned in some past entry, educacion2020 is a national movement which seeks to recruit people from any occupation in order to commit an educational shift. The main objective is to increase in a 20% the poorest student's quality of education.
To achieve this purpose educacion2020 drives the following proposals:
-more and better kinder gardens.
-meaningful change for the teaching statute.
-unequivocal and transparent teaching evaluation.
-advanced and decent early retirement for many teachers.
-high quality tranining and certification for all teachers that have potential.
-inmediate selection process for a post held for life headmasters from state schools who still are in the educational system.
-pedagogic carrers closing which give academic qualifications to non-qualified people.
-intensive usage of educational televison and new technologies in the classroom.
-number of students reduction where is necessary.
-bilingual teachers immigration.
-schoolarships and high remuneration.
-servicio-país in loss-making schools.
The second topic to research about was:
Estatuto Docente: Una treagedia peor que el transantiago.
This is the name of an article pusblished on Saturday, August 23rd in Revista Qué Pasa. The writer is Mario Waissbluth, who is professor at Universidad de Chile. He also has done many revisions about education investigations before publishing this analysis.
Our reality is harsh- my reality- I decided to study in a private University which at that moment demanded no more than 550 points, avarage that decreased throughout years. On the other hand, my career is not accredited, is under accreditation process.
I am not criticizing the University I chose to study in. In fact, it was my decision but as a future English teacher I may not have all competences, knowledge and skills that are needed to take part in the all-embracing learning process of a child, however acquiring those skills, competences and subject matter knowledge depend mainly on me, on the amount of time and effort that I devote to improve and to beat my own lack of substantial knowledge. In addition, this is the reason why I decided to prepare a group debate about the teaching trainning about our country and how different is from best rating ones.
I consider that what Waissbluth and educacion2020 set out is clearly hard to achieve but at the same time, is the only solution for the education that our children are getting and students in a teaching formation process are also obtaining.
As a result, and as Waissbluth mentions, the teaching statute must be modified in order to overcome the inequalities of our educational system.
If you are interested on reading the complete article go to the following link:
And if you want to make a deep analysis of teaching statute you can visit:
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