"Promulgada por Pinochet un día antes de dejar el poder, la LOCE abrió la
puerta a la educación como un desregulado negocio que casi no permite fiscalizar
la calidad de la enseñanza. Algo aberrante -dicen los expertos-, cuando es el
Estado el que brinda el dinero para que escuelas o liceos funcionen, en no pocos
casos, acogiendo sólo a alumnos que les aseguren buena nota en el Simce. El
lucro con fondos públicos."
I took this quotation from La Nación, May 30th, 2006.-
If we agree or disagree with this quote or similar ones, or opposing ones was our classmates' debate. First Nicole and Dreny presented us a power point explaining the objectives of LOCE and its advantages. Then Eduardo and Rodrigo diveded the class in two groups, one was against and the other one was for LOCE. I took an even number, so I had to disagree La LOCE.
I consider that my classmates did a really good job, the debate was well prepared and almost evey student participated. They were good moderators and knew how to guide us through the topic.
(If you are interested in the complete article where the quote was taken, click the following link)
Warm Regards.