Friday, 11 July 2008

First Debate

The first debate was in charge of Dreny, Eduardo, Nicole and Rodrigo O. They chose to develop a debate using La LOCE (Ley Orgánica Constitucional de Enseñanza) which was enacted on March the 10th, 1990. What the LOCE is? Somehow, everyone has an opinion about it and the whole controversy under Pinguinos' revolt. In a national newspaper I found the following quote which defines what the LOCE is:

"Promulgada por Pinochet un día antes de dejar el poder, la LOCE abrió la
puerta a la educación como un desregulado negocio que casi no permite fiscalizar
la calidad de la enseñanza. Algo aberrante -dicen los expertos-, cuando es el
Estado el que brinda el dinero para que escuelas o liceos funcionen, en no pocos
casos, acogiendo sólo a alumnos que les aseguren buena nota en el Simce. El
lucro con fondos públicos."

I took this quotation from La Nación, May 30th, 2006.-

If we agree or disagree with this quote or similar ones, or opposing ones was our classmates' debate. First Nicole and Dreny presented us a power point explaining the objectives of LOCE and its advantages. Then Eduardo and Rodrigo diveded the class in two groups, one was against and the other one was for LOCE. I took an even number, so I had to disagree La LOCE.

I consider that my classmates did a really good job, the debate was well prepared and almost evey student participated. They were good moderators and knew how to guide us through the topic.
(If you are interested in the complete article where the quote was taken, click the following link)

Warm Regards.

EFL debates

During this class Mr. Litman showed us a power point with quite useful hints about how to debate in a ESL (English as a Second Language) class.
In relation with all kind of debate environments, it is really important to realize about the significance of debating, and how to promote this whole set of neccesary skills which allow us to share our opinions, using respect, tolerance and solid foundations.
Now we should consider why it is important to teach how to debate in an ESL classroom. It is crucial because, as I already mention, it would allow us to share opinions, but in this case, using English would develop a critical thinking on students and it is a good way to employ language skills and to correct grammar.

Another important point that I remember from the pp, was a list of baby steps to follow in teaching to debate. These steps are the following:

1. First of all, we need to know what is an opinion, which can be defined as our feelings or thoughts about something. In this part it is also important to consider how we can express agreement or disagreement, using respect and politeness.
2. Now we can express our opinions and give reasons in a logical and convincing way.
3. Supporting ideas is our next step, this can be through explanations, examples, statistics, etc.

4. Opinions need to be organized through an affirmative speech, on the other hand, introductions and conclusions need to be drawn.

5. Refutation it is also important because is our way to prove that the other person's opinion may have a mistake or it is untrue.

As we can see, we need to follow these clear stages.

If we have a beforehand preparation and pay attention to these steps, we may have good results in teaching to debate and also in the debates we should participate.

After the class finished, Mr. Litman gave us a list of topics because we are going to prepare a 20' debate. I'm working with Diego and Felipe and we will present on the second tuesday after the winter break. We are really excited with this evaluation but unfortunately, we haven't decided our topic yet.


At the following class we also went to the lab, Mr. Litman gave us time to work through our blogs, to update them, to correct mistakes, and to clarify any kind of doubt.

I utilized my time in correcting mistakes, because when I post an entry and then I read it again to find errors, I do not always find them. I also help out some classmates that didn't know how to customize their blogs.

It was a productive hour.

Thursday, 10 July 2008


During this class we worked in groups. We had to read an article published on Santiago Times, an online newspaper written in English. We had to share our opinions about this article, which at the present date, was the last action taken by secondary students in the public system.
Los “Pinguinos” are really concerned about the LGE and they are not pleased with this educational reform, in addition students are trying to prevent this law from passing in the Congress, reason why some students from El Insituto Nacional occupied their school’s building, in any case police were able to stop the occupation.
As far as we can realize and as far as we are concerned as future teachers, students’ demands are legitimate; every one deserves equal opportunities to develop skills, to learn, to choose what to study and where. Public education should be as satisfactory as Private and Charter education.
Before we discussed about this article, we went to the lab. We read an article from La Tercera, also related with education although, it was about another issue. These days’ parents are more worried about their children’ and adolescents’ performance at school, parents would like to know if they prepared their science homework, who are their friends, how they behave at school, etc. These concerns are healthy but in some other cases can take a different twist.

Now is not enough to check children via cell phone, or pick them up, now parents can control their kids by a software already very popular in the United States. This software, which has some other variations, but in essence is the same, can inform concerned parents about their kids’ grades, what’s about the next class, attendance, etc. I think this kind of software has advantages and also disadvantages; parents that have a demanding work can keep updated with all aspects that embrace their children’s education, but on the other hand, students can feel that their private life is being invaded, that their parents do not trust on them.

I really believe that this is an invasive method, would not be easier to trust, to have quality time when is possible, hear and be heard, promote responsibility from young age, and many more aspects that are directly related with students’ performance and behaviour?